17th Flash. Worship Allah alone, this world is full of distracts in the form of illusionary enjoyment 30.05.2020 English 0 paylaş paylaş save paylaş paylaş paylaş e-posta We are reading from Risale-i Nur Collection (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi). Speaker: Vahid Güzel Benzer konuda videolar:Shall we complain about the disasters we face? - 2nd FlashCommon Questions & Answers related to Creation of Evils - 12th LetterSunnah - Importance of adhering to the Sunnah of Muhammed SAW - 11th Flash - Part 1Is God Really The Most Great? - 29th FlashWisdoms behind the creation of Man and Universe - 11th Word11th Flash. Importance of adhering the Sunnah of Muhammed (SAW) EnglishVahid Güzel
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